Grow your business and best your competition via product innovation and strategic marketing.

Strategic Product Management consulting - SF Bay Area. Upstream marketing strategy to enrich your product, marketing & business plans - for growth, customer delight, user advocacy.

Business, Product, Marketing Strategy Consulting - Bay Area

Helping businesses & startups achieve higher levels of growth & success
- via innovation, strategy, planning, and collaborative execution.


Product Strategy & Innovation
Envision Exceptional Products & Services
  • Driven by prioritized user needs
  • Shaped by innovative solutions
  • Guided by competitive analysis
Innovation Benefits Graph
Way to customer delight, delivered value, sustained business growth.
Articulate Key Marketing Messages from Brand, Positioning, Value Proposition.
Articulate Key Product Marketing Elements
  • Clear value proposition
  • Benefits & differentiation
  • Positioning & branding
Innovation Benefits Graph
Key to desired customer awareness, action, adoption, advocacy.
Go-to-Market Plan Vision to Launch
Create Winning GTM, Marketing, Business Plans
  • Vision ➤ Launch ➤ Growth
  • Plans, KPIs, budget, roadmap
  • Direction, collaboration, PM
Innovation Benefits Graph
Gameplan to realistic achievement of your business goals + aspirations.
Product Innovation Strategic Marketing Priorities

These TOP 3 marketing priorities

◉ Product Strategy & Innovation
◉ Core Product Marketing Elements
◉ Marketing, GTM, & Business Plans

AOI Marketing Product Strategy Gears

~ addressed effectively & synergistically ~

... are key to
to business growth & success.

They are powered by ...

Strategic Marketing Analysis of Competitors, Customer Segments, Environment.
Upstream Marketing Analysis & Strategy
  • Markets, customers, users (Cx Ux)
  • Competitive landscape, trends
  • Company SWOT, Partners
Innovation Benefits Graph

Develop a deep, up-to-date understanding
      of your key business drivers.

Discover insights & opportunities from
      sharp analysis & new perspectives.

Define strategies -

(Marketing, 7Ps, GTM, Communications, Content Strategy)

- which provide a sound, shared basis for direction, alignment, cross-functional collaboration - and prioritization & resolution of key issues.

Contact us today ✉
discuss your needs & goals.

Business  Ⓧ  Product  Ⓧ  Marketing Strategy Consulting

Silicon Valley · San Francisco Bay Area.

Depth & breadth of experience at Big-4 Management Consulting, Silicon Valley and Global leaders, SME and entrepreneurial startups.

Auri Biswas, Director
M.B.A. Duke University
B.S. Engg. IIT
National Talent Scholar

(5IO) 3O4-7I4I

Catalyst101 -at-


For jargon-free summaries & tips
on these
key strategic marketing / product marketing concepts -


Clarifies common issues about:
· Marketing Strategy vs. Promotion
· Communication Strategy vs. Tactics
· Importance of Branding & Messaging
· Pivotal role of Product Strategy
· Types of Marketing Analysis

We can help you:

Discover and leverage opportunities for innovation - across key business areas

Strategic Marketing Product Management Consulting - Bay Area

A strategic, customer + user focused perspective helps to build valuable frameworks and a shared philosophy.

Guiding and helping cross-functional teams explore, ideate, prioritize, & implement game-changing innovations.

Improvements that span product + process,   short-term + long-term,   incremental + radical innovations.

Innovation Product Strategy Process

            Product Strategy, Innovation, & Marketing Consulting - Startups & SME - SF Bay Area

We can help you
Get things done   +   enrich your efforts   +   achieve targeted results.

Applying our
- core values -

Creativity   Quality   Professionalism

Practicing our
- mantra -

Work smart, then work hard!


Boost your efforts to achieve greater innovation and better results!

Contact us today ✉

Business  Ⓧ  Product  Ⓧ  Marketing Strategy Consulting

Silicon Valley · San Francisco Bay Area.

Sharp consulting & PM experience honed over 20+ years at Silicon Valley and global leaders, along with SME and entrepreneurial startups.   Solid foundation from tenure at Big-4 and top-tier consulting firms.

Auri Biswas
M.B.A. Duke University
B.S. Engg. IIT

(5IO) 3O4-7I4I

Catalyst101 -at-

Our Value Proposition

Boost your results by leveraging our field-tested core competencies and credentials.

Fresh Perspective   Sharp Assessment   Deep Experience
Fresh Perspective   Sharp Assessment   Deep Experience
Consultant Value Add - Fresh Perspective, Insights, Solutions
Fresh & Wide Perspective
- Actionable Insights
- Pragmatic Winning Solutions

Fresh eyes, distance, big-picture perspective - combined with creativity and well-honed analysis skills - help to reveal game-changing insights and possibilities.

Deep experience & expertise with brainstorming + ideation + facilitation to uncover new opportunities as well as issues.

Powered by an innate propensity for creativity, curiosity, life-long learning, innovative problem-solving.

Help teams explore & id pain points, order winners, issues, solution approaches. Ideate & evaluate opportunities for incremental as well as radical improvements.

Effectively influence, guide, coach business heads, product managers, marketing & sales teams from a customer-focused, strategic perspective.

Consultant Value Add - Objective, Frank, Thorough Assessments
Objective & Sharp Assessments
- Strategy & Tactics
- Candid & Constructive

Powerful reviews & evaluations of plans (product, business, marketing), ongoing projects, deliverables - from a cross-functional, multi-disciplinary perspective.

Help teams improve processes and outcomes with perceptive & candid feedback - free of common corporate issues e.g. blindspots, groupthink, politics or agendas, sacred dogma, sunk-cost fallacy etc.

Driven only by prioritized goals. Of course, with pragmatic securing of buy-in & ongoing support from team members, sponsors, senior executives, & stakeholders.

Effective, illuminating reports, plans, presentations - using infographics, charts, graphs & more. To inform and inspire project teams, sponsors, customers & stakeholders.

Top-tier, Big 4, Global & Silicon Valley Hi-Tech Consulting Experience + Skills
Top-tier Experience & Skills
- Large Corps, SME, Startups
- Solid Cross-functional Skills

Wide range of hard and soft skills - field-tested over 2 decades at "Big 4" management consulting firms, Fortune 500 global companies, Silicon Valley Hi-Tech leaders, SMB/SME & startups.

Polished leadership, management, communication & collaboration skills - along with hands-on technical skills.

Directed, program managed, guided high-priority, complex, strategic intitiatives including product launches. Engagement & client C-Level relationship management for major consulting projects. Speaker & evangelist of products & technologies.

Led small to large cross-functional & global teams. Spanning all levels from staff, middle-management, to company leadership. Comfortable with small, entrepreneurial start-ups to SME/SMB firms to global, multi-million dollar enterprise-wide initiatives. B2B & B2C.

Lead from a unifying focus on serving user & customer needs and priorities. In line with high-level strategy & goals, while addressing competitive, business, environmental realities.

Partner with us to ...

Innovation Benefits Graph

... enrich your efforts to achieve greater innovation and better results!

Contact us today ✉
discuss your needs & goals.

Silicon Valley, California | San Francisco Bay Area.

20+ years of business strategy, product innovation, program and product management experience - from Big-4 consulting & top-tier firms to SME, small business, & startups.

Auri Biswas, Director
M.B.A. Duke University
B.S. Engg. IIT

(5IO) 3O4-7I4I

Catalyst101 -at-

Product Innovation & Strategy Consulting SF Bay Area

Innovation & Strategy driven Product Management & Marketing Consultant - SF Bay Area

Select Engagements

Innovative Mobile & Web App from a Global Software Firm

Director of Marketing
∎ Strategy, PM, Communications

Business communications, sales enablement, secure content sharing app & platform.  Japanese public co. with subsidiaries in US, UK, China.

Revitalized product by pivoting to new use cases & much wider market. Influenced C-level & team to embrace new product positioning, roadmap,  branding/messaging, & GTM plans.

Driven by market & competitive analysis. And fostering a deeper understanding of target market needs, workflows, value delivered, competitive differentiation.

Tablet Mobile App Development Product Management

Directed & facilitated product management, engineering, and design team collaboration across 3 countries.

Coaching & mentoring PM and sales team.  Setting up online tool to promote  effective marketing collaboration.  Hands-on contributions to new website visual design and UI/UX, branding, and PR.

Pioneering Outdoors Events & Parks Portal - Web App & SAAS

Head of Product
∎ Vision, Strategy, PM

One-stop Online Portal - Web App & SaaS Event Management System - serving organizations (like county park districts and environmental non-profits) and the public.

Bringing together a variety of nature/outdoors events from various organizations, and the member community. Starting with the SF Bay Area.

Start-up efforts from vision to launch to successful operations for several years. Spanning ideation, portal architecture, benefits & features, design, development, to ongoing product management.

Events Portal Web App SAAS

Nomination for San Jose Tech Museum Innovation Award, endorsed by leading author of hiking books, and a well-known instructor/docent associated with the Chabot Science Museum and the Sierra Club.

AI Software Consulting & Training Startup in Silicon Valley

∎ Product Strategy, GTM Planning

Helped co-founders move forward past key issues - regaining team spirit, morale, and momentum.

Led facilitated sessions to resolve roadblocks & differences - from strategy to product details and workplans.

Guided team through a detailed competitive analysis - resulting in a greater appreciation of customers, competitors, market trends.

AI App Dev and Training Startup AOI

Clarified & articulated offerings - definition, scope, benefits, value proposition - making them understandable and appealing to target segments.

Developed product roadmap, detailed Go-to-Market Plan, and financial projections/analysis for the business plan.

Art-of-Innovation-com Strategic Marketing Innovation Consulting

             Product Innovation, Strategy, Planning, Marketing Consulting Services - SF Bay Area

Get Started

Need to take your products, services, and business to the next level?   We can help!  📩

By addressing the top business, marketing, and product management priorities outlined above - from a strategy & innovation perspective.

Strategic Review of Business, Marketing, Product Plans

Business Plans · Marketing Plans · Reviews

Development, Review, Refinement of:
  • Product Ideation
  • Product Strategy
  • Product Management
  • Communications Strategy
  • Marketing Analysis & Plans
  • Product Marketing
  • GTM Go-to-Market Plan
  • Business Analysis & Plans
  • Investment Pitch Deck

We partner with Large and SMB/SME (Small Business/ Small Medium Enterprise) firms, as well as entrepreneurial startups in Silicon Valley.

Working with CEOs, Founders, Entrepreneurs as a trusted and valued Team Member, Strategic Advisor, Marketing Strategist, Business Coach.

Short-term or long-term consulting engagements. 

Go-to-Market Plan Vision to Launch

SME Business & Marketing Strategy

We'll get in touch with you soon.

Achieve Key Benefits

  • Enrich your product management efforts.
  • Id & boost promising products & services.
  • Stay on top of trends and competition.

Focus the team's creativity, energies, and investments on ideas, products, features that your customers notice, purchase, and rave about online.

Improve collaboration & communication across product teams, sales and marketing, and senior management - improving morale and results.

Leverage proven drivers of effectiveness & ROI

  • Apply a big-picture, strategic perspective.
  • Goals and strategy alignment & buy-in.
  • Ongoing incremental & radical innovation.

A clear, meaningful, up-to-date business case helps better decision-making - across product design, development, operations, management.

Outputs of marketing analysis and product strategy provide a framework for discussions & evaluations - catalyzing better solutions in all areas. 

Strategic Product Marketing Consulting