needs and wants!
For your Product Innovation efforts to accelerate in the right direction, and actually help you reach your destination (targeted marketing goals) , they must be powered by sharp skills, pragmatic plans, and importantly, a sound and effective process / approach - which we outline below as the three PILLARS of effective product innovation!
The 3 Pillars of Effective Product Innovation
Here are some key ideas on the 3 pillars of successful innovation - products & marketing communications. Not so much the latest fad of the month / year - but based on enduring (and powerful) lessons learned from real-world experience.
Pillar #1
Smart and Collaborative Approach
The most powerful tool in developing new strategies and successful products - is the ability to spot and ask the right questions – at the right time – from a variety of angles!
Devoting the time (and mental bandwidth) to identify these right questions - even when they go against the grain of accepted notions & holy ideas - is probably the most valuable investment in a project / endeavor. Often the answers are not that complex - and getting them is usually not the hard part.
What proves invaluable is having the perspective, clarity and judgment to spot these key questions - and the best way to get answers (at the level of detail needed - no more, no less!) And then assimilating all the inputs (from various angles and sources) to arrive at insights and innovative ideas.
Keeping the focus on the INQUIRE and INNOVATE stages yields great returns in IMPLEMENTATION ( especially in the iterative, spiral approach). By helping to identify the right direction, make course corrections, and generating ideas for a new, innovative way to solve a critical problem.
Pillar #2
Perspective and Insights from Big-Picture / Strategic Analysis
And a clear understanding of markets, users, needs & trends. Perspective
and judgment that comes from a potent combination of experience & skills
in a range of related business areas / domains as shown below.
It is this wider, high-level, strategic perspective that helps us make consequential decisions about our market offerings (products & services) and other key elements of the marketing mix.
When we get buried in the operational details of making things work (production focus), it is vital to step back to make smart decisions on what things (or key attributes) to aim for in the first place (strategic focus) -- products (& features) that customers actually need, use, and appreciate.
In short, perspective helps us keep our focus on
"doing the right thing" (i.e.
effectiveness / meeting broader goals)
and then directing our energies towards
"doing it right" (i.e.
efficiency / lowering costs.)
Or even more succinctly,
Work Smart
then Work Hard!
get started with a free initial consultation,
or for any other questions, please Contact
Pillar #3
Multi-Disciplinary Effort / Cross Functional Collaboration
Gathering and balancing inputs from various angles, making appropriate trade-offs - to achieve targeted Results and ROI.
Redesigning your website and online marketing communications? Be sure to look deeper beyond a cosmetic upgrade or a visual makeover! Take time to consider all the key elements and possible areas of web innovation as shown in the graphic below.
It is quite common to focus on just 2 of the many critical elements - (Visual) Design and SEO.
But looking at the big-picture - exploring ideas along the other consequential dimensions - often leads to refinements and innovations that enhance both quality and effectiveness of your web product management / web marketing efforts.
Feel free to contact us to augment your efforts or delegate any of the above strategic tasks to us.
Our high-quality Strategic Product Management / Product Strategy Consulting Services are enriched by a complementary and effective combination of experience & skills -- from the Marketing Analysis & Business Planning side as well as the Online Communications & Web Design area.
We enjoy helping clients take their products, plans, and communications to the next level -- with analysis, insights, reviews, recommendations, and quality deliverables including business plans, marketing plans, product management plans.
Contact us for a free consultation to discuss your needs & goals - and how we can help you achieve your marketing goals.
Solid Credentials - Solid Results