needs and wants!
Resources :: Slides + Tips
Innovation + Strategic Product Management + Web Design
Here are some slides, presentations and links - with some thoughts & tips on the art of innovation - in the areas of product innovation, online communications & website innovation (or renovation / web redesign if you like!), and strategy driven product / program / project management.
For information on our marketing
strategy consulting services, and how we can work together
to achieve your marketing goals, please visit the Home
page and Services
page of this site.
We feel that presenting key ideas and observations in the form of succinct, visual summaries (slides with questions, short lists / bullet points, and graphics / diagrams) is a lot more readable and effective - rather than long essays.
We hope you will find these tips helpful in enhancing your efforts to take your business to the next level - via better products, communications (inc. web content), and plans. When you need a helping hand & strategic partner to augment your efforts, just drop us a line.
Acuity: Sharpness; Keenness of perception; synonyms
Brevity: Expressing much in few words; conciseness of expression ( not a paucity of ideas / output! )
Clarity: Clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; free of indistinctness and ambiguity.
Product and Marketing Innovation
Effective Online Communications - Compelling Web Content
Website Product Management (and Web / Mobile Apps)
Simple, Quick, Jargon-free
Guide to Building Effective Websites
get started with a free initial consultation,
or for any other questions, please Contact
Core Concepts - Business and Web Innovation
Insights on getting the basics right. To set the right direction
for all subsequent efforts. Starting from a
conceptual / strategic level & moving to a tactical
/ implementation level.
get started with a free initial consultation,
or for any other questions, please Contact
Tips for Effective Project and Program Management
get started with a free initial consultation,
or for any other questions, please Contact
get started with a free initial consultation,
or for any other questions, please Contact